Free courses in health and safety from Harvard University


1- Improving Global Health: Focusing on Quality and Safety: Access to healthcare services is critical – but is that enough?
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2- Readings in Global Health: Learn about the most pressing issues of global health through a series of reviews and interviews with leading experts.
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3- Humanitarian response to conflict and disasters: Learn the principles that guide the humanitarian response to modern emergencies, and the challenges facing this field today.
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4- The science of practical improvement in health care: a roadmap for results: Learn the skills and tools of the science of improvement to bring about positive changes in public health, healthcare, and your daily life.
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5- Studying and discussing global health cases from a biosocial perspective: re-imagining global health problems and analyzing them with some leading global health thinkers and actors through a biological framework based on practical cases and discussing them from a biological community point of view
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6- Health and Society: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the main social variables that affect the general health of the population.
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7- United States Health Policy: Learn the basics of health care policy in the United States from some of the nation’s leading experts.
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8- Lessons learned from Ebola: Preventing the next epidemic: Understanding the context of the Ebola virus outbreak: What went right, what went wrong, and how we can all do better to prevent the emergence of epidemics and diseases.
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